Sales is an honorable calling. Yet most of us fall into the role. Lines separating beginner from pro and pro from master are hard to define and milestones marking the path to mastery are known only to a limited few. Until now. We’re here to help you move the rock. Hosted by James Rores Founder of Floriss Group and Chris McAlister Founder of SightShift.
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Figure That Sales Leadership Out - Part 9 of 12: How Do You Decide What’s Next?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
As a leader, knowing your next best course of action requires you to make sense of what’s going on around you as well as within you. Awareness has two sides and is one of the benefits that comes with the experience and maturity you gain over time. In this episode we discuss how leaders develop awareness and perseverance in the face of change. And we introduce you to the four seasons of change to help you navigate the process like an experienced pro (or master).