Sales is an honorable calling. Yet most of us fall into the role. Lines separating beginner from pro and pro from master are hard to define and milestones marking the path to mastery are known only to a limited few. Until now. We’re here to help you move the rock. Hosted by James Rores Founder of Floriss Group and Chris McAlister Founder of SightShift.
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Before Hiring Your Next Salesperson
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
“Guns. Lots of guns.” You may recognize this line delivered by Keanu Reeves’ character in both The Matrix (1999) and John Wick: Chapter 3 (2019). In both movies the actor plays the hero. The pressure is on and he wants to win and his only option is MORE! Not too dissimilar from the sales leader who feels the pressure and wants to win. She may feel her only option is MORE … more salespeople! Unlike Reeves’ characters, however, the sales leader has another option. When sales forces are recognized as teams and optimized as teams they can grow 3X faster than sales forces that are not. And they can do it without adding a single salesperson. Instead of focusing on MORE, there may be value in simply focusing on BETTER.
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Can CRM Help 3X Your Annual Growth Rate?
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Companies that successfully deploy a reliable sales process that is shared across every member of the sales team, 3X year-over-year growth rates without adding a single salesperson. What’s the catch? You just have to eliminate the four most common costs of your existing CRM system. Eliminate these costs and not only will your sales leaders have greater control over growth, everyone in the sales organization will automatically earn their way to a nice raise. Listen in. This is not your typical CRM discussion.
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
How to Stop Being Ghosted by Prospects
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
It’s a story as old as our profession. You ask for and receive a commitment from your prospect to follow-through on some next step and they don’t do it. It could have been a commitment to read a proposal, set a meeting, speak with another member of the buying center, complete a questionnaire, gather important documentation, etc. The lists of possibilities and excuses are endless. Would it surprise you to learn that most of these delays, misunderstandings and lies can be prevented? After all, the easiest pain to prevent is the pain we cause ourselves.
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Change Management - Growth is the Mastery of Change
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
Thursday Mar 17, 2022
People buy when they are ready, willing and able to change. We sell when we are ready, willing and able to lead buyers to change. This is true whether your customers are outside or inside your organization. When it’s time to lead your team in a new direction, how you choose to lead them will determine the length of the effort and height of your achievement. Listen in as we discuss how leaders take control of change to ensure their team is aligned and walking a shared path to growth.
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Mindset - The Root of Limitless Personal and Team Development
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Growth cultures emerge from the work of scalable teams. And scalable teams emerge from the work of healthy leaders. In order to ‘do the work’ with the highest potential and the least amount of friction, leaders must first ensure their own behaviors and habits are matched with, or ‘fit’, the goals and tasks at hand. The ability to develop winning habits is a function of three disciplines: Mindset x Skillset x Toolset. All three are indispensable, but they are not all created equal. Join us as we explore this foundational formula and the reasons why Mindset is so important and yet so easily overlooked.
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Building the Dream Team Series - #4: Exploring the Power of ‘Fit’
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
Thursday Mar 03, 2022
“Work smarter not harder.” An old saying meant to affirm a commitment to seeking awareness and unblocking potential. Unchecked, more effort simply leads to more stress which ultimately creates friction that limits high-performing teams. What if your team was able to achieve the kind of balance that allowed you to do both--work harder and smarter? Join us as we take a look at how this balance can be achieved and who within your organization can help you make it happen.
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Building the Dream Team Series - #3: How High Achievers Advance
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
Thursday Feb 24, 2022
There is wisdom in the saying, “What got you here won’t get you there.” But, after all, the statement is not entirely true. What got you here absolutely can play a role as you seek higher levels of growth. The statement is not meant to diminish the value of your past experiences. It is simply pointing out that your sacrifice must continue if you hope to achieve your vision. Each higher level you seek becomes harder to climb. There is less room for error, you have no time to waste, and mistakes become more costly. To get there, you will need to share your vision, develop the people around you, get smarter about who you invite to the party and what their metrics for success must be.
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Building the Dream Team Series - #2: Growth Cultures
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Thursday Feb 17, 2022
Do you sense a conflict between your company culture and its goals?
Many leaders do.
The secret to addressing that conflict is to recognize how closely your culture reflects the most dominant insecurities of your leaders and people.
Success, therefore, is not about what more you can do, e.g., pushing harder.
It's about seeking awareness of what’s holding you back.
Join us as we dive into eliminating the shadows that block you from seeing what you can no longer afford to miss.

Moving The Rock
Whether you live to sell or sell to live, you don’t have to compromise who you are and how you think to perform at the highest levels. Discover new ways to succeed at sales and leadership that leverage timeless truths and align with your core values and corporate brand.
Hosted by James Rores of Floriss Group and Chris McAlister of SightShift.